11th Capra Meeting Reconstructed Webpage


This is not the original website, all items in this page were reconstructed through the use of open source tools such as the "Wayback Machine" archives only made possible by the resources kindly provided by Bernard F. Whiting at the 25th Capra Meeting. 

Where possible the original website snapshot archive links will be provided, we are reproducing the original page to ease access to the Capra community.

These snapshot links can disappear at any moment, if you find a broken link please report to webmaster@caprameeting.org. A backup has nevertheless been made and will be made available once we have finalized a permanent solution.

Thank you, The EDI team


Original Website Snapshots Available through Wayback Machine here

11th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction CC11

University d'Orleans, France

26-29th June, 2008

This year, CC11 is to be shared with key personnel in the Post-Newtonian field. The beginning of the meeting will be devoted to presentations and the latter part to informal discussions, brainstorming, and collaboration between participants. The topics to be discussed will include those of previous Capra meetings, and in particular, radiation reaction in general relativity and tangential topics. 


Thursday, 26th June 

Friday, 27th June 

Saturday, 28th June - Workshop Day 1

Sunday, 29th June - Workshop Day 2


Sofiane Aoudia - Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice 

Leor Barack - University of Southampton

Luc Blanchet - Institut d'Astrophysique Paris 

Alexander Burinskii - Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, IBRAW, Moskva

Lior Burko - University of Huntsville

Marc Casals - University College Dublin

Ismael Cognard - Observatoire de la Region Centre

Alessandro Corongiu - Observatoire de la Region Centre

Henrique de Souza - Universite d'Orleans

Gregory Desvignes -  Universite d'Orleans

Steve Detweiler - University of Florida

Sam Dolan - University College Dublin 

Steve Drasco - Jet Propulsion Laboratory Caltech 

Gilles Esposito-Farese - Insitut d'Astrophysique Paris

Robert Fredman -  Universite d'Orleans

Ryuichi Fujita - Raman Rsearch Institute Bangalore 

Chad Galley - University of Maryland

Dmitry Galtsov - Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet

Achamveedu Gopakumar - Friedrich Schiller Universitat Jena

Sam Gralla - University of Chicago

Roland Haas - University of Guelph

Abraham Harte - University of Chicago

Atsushi Higuchi - University of York 

Alexander Le Tiec - Institute d'Astrophysique Paris 

Alessandro Nagar - Inst. Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bur Sur Yvette

Kouji Nakamura - National Astronomical Observatory

Eric Poisson - University of Guelph

Adam Pound - University of Guelph 

Larry Price - University of Wiscousin-Milwaukee

Norichika Sago - University of Southampton

Alessandro Spallici -  Universite d'Orleans

Joseph Sultana - University of Malta

Michel Tagger - Observatoire de la Region Centre 

Gilles Theureau - Observatoire de la Region Centre 

Jonathan Thornburg - University of Southampton 

Maurice Van Putten - MIT-LIGO

Ian Vega - University of Florida

Robert Wald - University of Chicago 

Barry Wardell  - University College Dublin

Niels Warburton - University of Southampton

Bernard Whiting - University of Florida


Deadline: 10 June 2008

Please fill in this form. You will get an email proving that you are registered.

Name* :

Middle Names(Initials)* :

Surname* :

Title* :

Affiliation* :

E-mail address* :

Phone number* :

Address* :

Postcode* :

Country* :

Nationality* : 

Are you affiliated to CNRS? 

For registration for hotel accommodation, excursion, shuttle hotels-school/conference, social dinner, school registration fee (90 euros).

Orléans gestion

For Capra only

The participants to the workshop during the weekend have to communicate in advance their participation and provide an ID number. The identity card (or passport) will be carried upon them in the campus during the weekend.

Fill here the ID number and type:

Participants wishing to prolong their stay including and beyond the 30th of June shall be given access to meeting rooms.

If you are interested to this option, fill here the date until which you consider to access the campus:

Would you like to give a talk at the Capra conférence.

Please attach an abstract in Latex


Would you like to display a poster at the Capra conférence.

Please attach an abstract in Latex template

* : required field



Orléans is one hour by train from Paris. The choice of the dates is suggested by the traditional period of June-July for the Capra Conference and by the organisation of a conference in Jena on post-Newtonian methods on the second week of June and of the Lisa conference in Barcelona on the third week of June. The accommodation is foreseen in central Orléans (30 minutes by public transport) or close to the CNRS campus.

How to arrive to Orléans

Local Public Transport


Tourist Office


Historical city (French Royal Family), Orléans conserves remarkable monuments (among others the Cathédrale Sainte Croix, la place du Martroi with a monument of Jeanne d'Arc , the castles of the Vallée de la Loire ). It is situated less than an hour by train from Paris centre in the south direction. The University, founded in 1306, counts more than 15.000 students and about 900 permanent teaching faculties.

Internet access at the school/conference venue

Details shall follow.


The information and the form for registration for hotel accomodation, shuttle hotels-school/conference, social dinner, school registration fee (90 euros) is available by linking at the Orléans Gestion Web on the Registration page.

Workshop and after week

The participants to the workshop during the weekend have to communicate in advance their participation and provide an ID number. The identity card (or passport) will be carried upon them in the campus during the weekend.

Participants wishing to prolong their stay including and beyond the 30th of June shall be given access to meeting rooms.

Financial support

Students and scientists with specific needs may submit their requests to the organising committee, which shall reply according to funding availability.

Events location

3E Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique 45071 Orléans France


Chair: E. Lallier-Vergès (dir. OSUC)

Director : A. Spallicci (ARGO-LPCE)


S. Aoudia (Nice)

I. Cognard

A. Corongiu

G. Desvignes

R. Ferdman

H. Poli de Souza

G. Theureau

S. Bouquet (OSUC)

S. Cordier (dir. MAPMO Orléans)

N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin (dir. Station Radioastronomique de Nançay)

R. Erre (dir. UFR Sciences Orléans)

P. Letourneux (CNRS)

S. Solodhukin (LMPT Tours)

M. Tagger (dir. LPCE Orléans)

M. Volkov (LMPT Tours).


Nathalie Rolland


Catherine Laurent


Cantalupo Thierry



Original Website Snapshots Available through Wayback Machine here