5th Capra Meeting
Center for Gravitational Wave Physics
Penn State University
31 May - 2 June, 2002
We would like to thank Bernard F. Whitting for providing all the information recovered on this page pertaining to the workshop organized prior to the 5th Capra meeting.
The 5th "Capra Ranch" Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will be held at the Pennsylvania State University from May 31 to June 2, 2002. While previous years' meetings focused principally on the radiation reaction of point particles in general relativity, in this years meeting will strive to include a more forward-looking focus on radiation reaction effects in general, including especially work from the numerical relativity and numerical astrophysics communities.
In order to facilitate discussion and scientific interaction, equal time will be alloted to presentations and discussions and the number of talks limited to no more than five per day. The principal focus of this meeting is the scientific discussion: correspondingly, we encourage people who will not be giving a talk to attend and participate in the discussions. While there will be no formal proceedings an archive of the presentations will be available on-line after the meeting.
There will be a workshop banquet on the night of 31 May. To register for the meeting please complete the registration form and return in the mail as indicated.
Prior to the official Capra meeting an preparatory workshop was put forward by the scientific organizing committee.
Radiation Reaction Workshop
The goal of this workshop is to make progress against outstanding issues in gravitational self-force problems. It is anticipated that the workshop will focus on issues in implementation of local force methods to compute gravitational waveforms for extreme-mass-ratio compact binaries.
Questions which might be addressed include:
(a) gauge transformations in regularization schemes and computation of gravitational waveforms;
(b) comparison of local force calculations to conservation law approach;
(c) reconstructing metric perturbations from Newman Penrose quantities in Kerr spacetime;
(d) robust calculations of inspiral waveforms and their applications to LISA;
(e) calculating the regularized self force in Kerr and Carter constant evolution;
The workshop will, however, be flexible enough to adapt to new ideas and directions should the group agree that they might prove fruitful.
Recommended Reading List
Y. Mino, M. Sasaki, T. Tanaka, "Gravitational radiation reaction to particle motion", PRD 55, 3457 (1997). Online version gr-qc/9606018
T.C Quinn and R.M. Wald, "Axiomatic approach to electromagnetic and gravitational radiation reaction of particles in curved spacetime",
PRD 56, 3381 (1997). Online version gr-qc/9610053
Scott Hughes, "Evolution of circular, nonequatorial orbits of Kerr black holes due to gravitational wave emission", Phys. Rev. D {\bf61}, 084004 (2000); Errata PRD 63, 049902 (2001) and 65, 069902 (2002). Online version gr-qc/9910091
L. Barack, A. Ori, "Mode sum regularization approach for the self-force in black hole spacetimes", PRD 61, 061502 (2000). Online version gr-qc/9912010
T.C. Quinn, "Axiomatic approach to radiation reaction of scalar point particles in curved spacetime", gr-qc/0005030
S. Detweiler, "Radiation reaction and the self-force for a point mass in general relativity", PRL 86, 1931 (2001). Online version gr-qc/0011039.
M. J. Pfenning, E. Poisson, "Scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational self-forces in weakly curved spacetimes", PRD 65, 084001
(2002). Online version gr-qc/0012057
L. M. Burko and Y.T. Liu, "Self-force on a scalar charge in the spacetime of a stationary, axisymmetric black hole", PRD 64, 024006
(2001). Online version gr-qc/0103008.
L. Barack, A. Ori, "Gravitational self force and gauge transformations", PRD 64, 124003 (2001). Online version gr-qc/0107056
L. Barack, Y. Mino, H. Nakano, A. Ori, M. Sasaki, "Calculating the gravitational self force in Schwarzschild spacetime", PRL 88, 091101
(2002). Online version gr-qc/0111001
Y. Mino, H. Nakano, M. Sasaki, "Covariant Self-force Regularization of a Particle Orbiting a Schwarschild Black Hole - Mode Decomposition
Regularization", gr-qc/0111074
S. Detweiler, B.F. Whiting, "Self-force via a Green's function decomposition", gr-qc/0202086.
C.O. Lousto and B.F. Whiting, "Reconstruction of Black Hole Metric Perturbations from Weyl Curvature", gr-qc/0203061
Workshop Program
24 May 2002
25 May 2002
26 May 2002
27-30 May 2002 - Free flow days
Workshop Participant's List
W. Anderson
L. Barack
B. Berger
L. Burko
P. Brady
M. Campanelli
S. Detweiler
E. Flanagan
S. Hughes
S. Jhingan
C. Lousto
H. Nakano
A. Ori
E. Poisson
M. Sasaki
T. Tanaka
R. Wald
B. Whitting
Scientific Organizing Committee
Warren Anderson (University of Texas, Brownsville, and CGWP)
Patrick Brady (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and CGWP)
Lee Samuel Finn (Penn State and CGWP)
Eanna Flanagan (Cornell University and CGWP)
Workshop Program
We ask that you make your own accommodation arrangements.
The workshop will be held in the State College Days Inn, where we have reserved a block of rooms. The Days Inn is located in the heart of downtown State College and is only a short walk from campus.
The contact information for the Days Inn follows:
Days Inn
240 Pugh Street
State College, PA 16801
Phone: 814-238-8454 or 800-258-3297
When you make your hotel reservation, please refer to the PSU Radiation Reaction Workshop.
The deadline for reserving a room in the Room Block is 26 April 2002.
Useful information on travel to and from State College may be found on our web site at http://cgwp.gravity.psu.edu/visitors/to_state_college.shtml. If you travel to State College by air, the destination code for the University Park Airport in State College is SCE. The Days Inn provides a free shuttle service to and from the University Park Airport. Upon arrival at the airport, contact the hotel and let them know that you have a reservation: they will dispatch a shuttle, which should arrive within 15-20 minutes of your call.
Registration Form