Get Involved

We welcome members within our community to get involved. Our team varies from a range of PhD students, postdocs and faculty volunteers. This can be a great way for you to develop leadership skills while working towards championing equity, diversity and inclusivity in our research community. It is up to you how much time you would like to volunteer. The team meets roughly once a month during the 6 months prior to Capra. If you are unable to volunteer, we also welcome any ideas or suggestions, or participation in an individual project.

We also have some specific roles still to fill in. The new role for this year will be:

  • Webmaster - Responsible for keeping the website's content up to date. No specific tech skills are required and you will be working closely with our team developers and the EDI team. Ideally you will attend all EDI meetings and commit a few hours a month to work on this project.

If you are interested please Contact Us.

We can find more about us on our dedicated page.

We look forward to hearing from you!