12th Capra Meeting Reconstructed Webpage
This is not the original website, all items in this page were reconstructed through the use of open source tools such as the "Wayback Machine" archives only made possible by the resources kindly provided by Bernard F. Whiting at the 25th Capra Meeting.
Where possible the original website snapshot archive links will be provided, we are reproducing the original page to ease access to the Capra community.
These snapshot links can disappear at any moment, if you find a broken link please report to webmaster@caprameeting.org. A backup has nevertheless been made and will be made available once we have finalized a permanent solution.
Thank you, The EDI team
Original website's author: Jonathan Thornburg
Original Snapshots Available through Wayback Machine here
12th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction
The 12th Capra meeting on radiation reaction in general relativity will be held Monday–Friday, 15–19 June 2009, in the Department of Astronomy at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. The primary focus of the Capra meeting is the radiation reaction problem in general relativity, and its application to extreme-mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs); talks/posters on related topics (for example, EMRI astrophysics) are also welcome.
The first day of the meeting (Monday 15 June) will feature three invited review talks aimed at a non-specialist audience; Tuesday through Friday (16–19 June will be devoted to more more technical contributed talks. Following the Capra tradition, this will be an informal meeting, with relatively long talk slots (75 minutes for the invited review talks, 45 minutes for contributed talks) and plenty of time for discussion. Poster space will be available for those preferring that format.
Note that immediately following the Capra meeting, the 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves will be held Sunday–Friday 21–26 June 2009 in New York City.
Program and Presentations
Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held in room SW 007, located in the basement level of Swain Hall West (SW) (often called Swain West).
Monday, 15 June 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Presentations will be archived and made available on the meeting web pages, but formal proceedings will not be published. Because some researchers may be unable to attend the meeting, authors are encouraged to also submit their presentations to gr-qc to ensure the widest availability possible.
List of attendees
The following people have registered for the meeting:
(Remove -NameOfFamousRelativist to de-obfuscate E-mail addresses)
Leor Barack <L.Barack@soton.ac-einstein.uk>
Mark Berndtson <mark.berndtson@colorado-einstein.edu>
Lior Burko <burko@uah-einstein.edu>
Marc Casals <marc.casals@dcu-einstein.ie>
Demian Cho <choh@kenyon-einstein.edu>
Steve Detweiler <det@phys.ufl-einstein.edu>
Peter Diener <diener@cct.lsu-einstein.edu>
Sam Dolan <damsolan@gmail-einstein.com>
Scott Field <scott_field@brown-einstein.edu>
John Friedman <friedman@uwm-einstein.edu>
Chad Galley <crgalley@umd-einstein.edu>
Sam Gralla <sgralla@uchicago-einstein.edu>
Roland Haas <roland.haas@physics.gatech-einstein.edu>
Abraham Harte <harte@uchicago-einstein.edu>
Gideon Koekoek <gkoekoek@nikhef-einstein.nl>
Dennis J. Lamenti <dlamenti@astro.indiana-einstein.edu>
Alexandre Le Tiec <letiec@iap-einstein.fr>
Nikodem Poplawski <nipoplaw@indiana-einstein.edu>
Eric Poisson <poisson@physics.uoguelph-einstein.ca>
Adam Pound <apound@uoguelph-einstein.ca>
Norichika Sago <sago@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac-einstein.jp>
Michael Seifert <mdseifer@indiana-einstein.edu>
Abhay Shah <agshah@uwm-einstein.edu>
Alessandro Spallicci <spallicci@cnrs-orleans-einstein.fr>
Jonathan Thornburg <jthorn@astro.indiana-einstein.edu>
Ian Vega <vega@phys.ufl-einstein.edu>
Barry Wardell <barry.wardell@ucd-einstein.ie>
Robert M. Wald <rmwa@uchicago-einstein.edu>
Niels Warburton <njw1g08@soton.ac-einstein.uk>
Bernard Whiting <bernard@phys.ufl-einstein.edu>
If you plan to attend the meeting, but haven't yet registered, please do so – this will help with planning the logistics (food, poster boards, internet access, etc.).
The meeting will be held in Swain Hall West (SW) (often called Swain West), which houses the IU Physics and Astronomy Departments. The meeting will be held in room SW 007, which is located in the basement level of the building. Refreshments (coffee, cookies, fruit juice, bagels) will be in Room SW 113, which will also be available for side discussions.
There will be Wi-Fi ("wavelan") wireless internet access available in the meeting room throughout the meeting. If you are staying at the IMU you should ask them for wireless access when you register; they will give you an account which should be valid anywhere on campus (including both the IMU and throughout Swain Hall West). If you are not staying at the IMU, please notify me so that I can arrange for an account for you.
Swain Hall West is at the southwest corner of the IU Bloomington campus.
For general information on the campus, see the Indiana University Visitor Information Center.
Here is an interactive map of the IU Bloomington campus (requires Javascript).
Here is a pseudo-perspective map of the campus (PDF, 314KB).
Here are both driving directions to the building, and floor maps of Swain Hall West.
The closest commercial airport to Bloomington is Indianapolis International Airport (IND), located in Indianapolis, about 50 miles (70 km) north of Bloomington. Driving time to/from Bloomington is typically between 1 and 1.5 hours. Note that the airport has recently moved to a new terminal on the other side of the runways from the old terminal, and some maps may not show the new location yet. Moreover, several exit ramps near the airport are currently closed due to construction. The airport web site is probably the most reliable source of driving directions.
The Bloomington Shuttle Service and Star of America operate fairly frequent scheduled shuttle-bus services between the Indianapolis airport and the university campus (and other stops) in Bloomington. The Bloomington Shuttle currently costs US$25/person one-way, with discounts for round trips. Star of America currently costs US$15/person one-way.
There are also private limousine services available at around US$100 to $125 one-way; these may be more economical if several people share a ride. I have used King Limousine successfully. Another major service is Classic Touch Limousine Service.
For more information on travel to Bloomington, see the Indiana University Visitor Information Center, the Bloomington Convention & Vistors Bureau, the Physics Department's Visitors' web page, and/or the Astronomy Department's "Directions and Maps" web page.
The final program will depend on participant interests, but we expect to begin at some reasonable hour on Monday morning (15 June 2009), so unless you're coming from nearby, you should probably plan to arrive in Bloomington on or before Sunday (14 June 2009). We should finish early enough on Friday afternoon (19 June 2009) for participants to catch airline flights from Indianapolis that evening.
New US Customs Rules
The US government has recently changed (tightened) its rules for international travellers. In particular, if you will be travelling to the meeting from from outside the US, and you're a citizen of one of the countries listed below, and you don't have a US visa (i.e., you'll be entering the US under the provisions of the US "Visa Waiver Program"), then you must obtain an electronic authorization from the US Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) before you travel (the US government recommends doing this at least 72 hours in advance). You can find more information about the ESTA system at this web site.
List of countries participating in the US Visa Waiver Program:
Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
The easiest place to stay near the university is the Indiana Memorial Union, located on-campus about 10 minutes walk from the Astronomy Department. It's medium-priced by Bloomington standards, but does tend to fill up quickly, so you should book well ahead of time. They have reserved a block of rooms at a discounted price for the meeting; say you're with the Capra meeting to receive the discounted room rate. These rooms will only be held until May 14th -- any reservations after that date will probably be more expensive.
The IMU can be reached at
Biddle Hotel and Conference Center
900 E. Seventh St.
Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
phone +1 (800) 209-8145 (toll-free from USA & probably Canada)
phone +1 (812) 856-6381 (may be easier to reach from outside North America)
fax +1 (812) 855-3426
If you prefer to stay off-campus, the Bloomington Convention & Vistors Bureau, has a directory of local hotels.
If you bring a car to the meeting, beware that on-campus and near-campus parking is scarce. Moreover, if you don't have a campus parking sticker, the pay lots are very expensive (typically $24/day!). If you stay at the IMU they should be able to provide you with a parking sticker for one of the nearby lots -- ask when you make your reservation.
Local Transportation
Bloomington Transit is the main public transit system in Bloomington. You can download their route map (PDF, 1.9MB). Most routes run at least every 30 minutes.
Indiana University also operates a campus shuttle bus service on 3 short routes connecting various parts of the campus to nearby parking lots. Unforunately, their website is almost unusable if you don't have Flash support. :(
Bloomington in June is typically warm and fairly humid, with a risk of thundershowers. Wikipedia reports an average daily high temperature of 30C (86F) and an average daily low temperature of 16C (61F). Here is a link to current and forecast weather conditions.
Local Restaurants
Here is an annotated list of local restaurants. The Physics Department's Visitors' web page has a map of restaurants within walking distance of our building (PDF, 98KB).
Local Events
Capra attendees will have the chance to take a group tour of the famous Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Many thanks to my partner Virginia J. Vitzthum and to the Kinsey Institute staff (particularly Jennifer Bass and Erick Janssen) for organizing this! As well, the Kinsey Institute's 2009 Juried Art Show is currently on display at the SoFA Gallery, just a few minute walk from the IMU.
The Monday evening (15 June 2009) showing of the film Contact is cancelled due to lack of participant interest.
On Wednesday evening, 17 June 2009, the Department of Astronomy's International Year of Astronomy Summer Film Series will be showing The Dish at 7:30pm in room SW 119. Free popcorn!
Also on Wednesday evening, 17 June 2009, the Department of Astronomy's Kirkwood Observatory has a public open house from 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM.
Registration is now open, and I invite you to register as early as possible, so that I can put a more accurate preliminary program on the web site, and also so that I can better plan the logistics of coffee/tea/juice/bagels/etc, wireless internet access, the Kinsey tours, etc.
There will be no registration fee for the meeting (and no financial support for participants).
To register, send an E-mail including the following information:
First name:
Last name:
Institutional affiliation:
Do you wish to present a talk? A poster? Both?
If you wish to present a talk/poster, the title (if known):
Is it ok to list your name and E-mail address (obfuscated to deter spammers) on the list-of-attendees section of this web site?
Any special requests:
You should receive a confirmation E-mail within a few days.
Here is a list of people who have registered.
Registration and other contact E-mail
Remove -animal from:
Jonathan Thornburg <jthorn@astro.indiana-zebra.edu>
History of the Capra Meetings
he first meeting in this series was held in 1998 at a ranch near San Diego. This ranch was once owned by the American film director Frank Capra (famous for such films as It's a Wonderful Life and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, as well as the World War II propaganda series Why We Fight), who later donated the ranch to Caltech.
Past Capra Meetings:
Year Date Location and Web Site (may or may not still be active)
1998 Capra Ranch, California, USA
1999 University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
2000 5 June — 9 June TAPIR (Theoretical Astrophysics Including Relativity) Group, Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA
2001 28 May — 31 May Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany
2002 31 May — 2 June Center for Gravitational Wave Physics, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
2003 23 June — 25 June Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2004 29 May — 5 June Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, University of Texas at Brownsville, Brownsville, Texas, USA
2005 11 June — 14 June Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, United Kingdom
2006 Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
2007 25 June—29 June Gravity Group, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama, USA
2008 23 June— 29 June ARGO (Astrophysics, Radioastronomy, Gravitation, Orleans) Group, CNRS, Orleans, France
Steve Drasco provided the conference logo, adapted from figure 2 of gr-qc/0604115 = Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (2006), S769–S784.
The Department of Astronomy at Indiana University is providing meeting facilities and logistical support. I would particularly like to thank Eric Ost for his assistance with computer and networking facilities, Caty Pilachowski for her enthusiastic support, and the Astronomy office staff, Christina Lirot and Julie Wilson, for their help with a myriad of details. Finally, I thank my partner Virginia J. Vitzthum for all her advice and assistance.
Original website's author: Jonathan Thornburg
Original Snapshots Available through Wayback Machine here